Central House Movers

Frequently Asked Question

Here are some answers to help take your job from the start to finish.

What sort of houses can be moved?

We can move just about anything from Stucco’s to 2 Storey’s and everything in between. When moving a brick house all the bricks do need to be removed for relocation and once delivered can be re-cladded in the material of your choice.
We can also move builidings on concrete floors, the choices are to re-pour a new pad or construct a new wooden Floor at the new site.

Who is responsible for getting the Consent?

Demolition, Building and Resource consents are the responsibility of the homeowner. However we do understand this can be a stressful process so we can assist with all aspects to enable the process to be as stress-free as possible. If you wish, our consent ladies can prepare and submit all council consent documentation on your behalf and act as your Agent throughout consent process.

How much does it cost to relocate a house?

Due to no house being the same there is no standard price for relocations, each job needs to be quoted individually. Just call one of our helpful staff for an estimate over the phone or requested a no obligation quote.
The quotes is determined on:

  • Route accessibility 
  • Size of the house
  • Degree of difficulty 
  • Site acess and condition

What other costs are involved when moving a house?

Building permits, building related services (power, sewer, water etc…) and any renovations that may be required.

Who reconnects the services?

A team of drain layers, plumbers, electricians, and builders will be required during a building relocate.
We can  assist with sourcing quotes from the other trades if you require.

How long does it take from start to finish?

We estimate 12-14 weeks from signing your contract to having your building delivered to site.
This allows time to collate your information for Council Consents, Council processing time (5-7 weeks), Site preparations, and services arranged.

Couldn't find the answer?

Contact us and we give you the answers you need